I Got 20 Angry Texts at 7 AM. Blame This App Redesign.A couple of weeks ago, I woke up to a storm of messages from friends who share my BodyFit credentials (I’ve been on it for over 12 years —…Jan 16Jan 16
Let’s guess the WHYs of some everyday apps?Some people like identifying unsolved problem areas & solutions around them; I love seeing solutions and guessing the problem it must have…Feb 28, 20223Feb 28, 20223
Published inMuzli - Design InspirationHow to convince stakeholders for a typeface changeAs designers, there might be a no. of reasons you want this to happen for the product. The typeface’s visual aesthetic, Legibility through…Dec 22, 20202Dec 22, 20202
Let’s make design relatableAn analogy around the importance of UI, UX & Interaction design in productsAug 31, 20201Aug 31, 20201
Published inMuzli - Design InspirationWe weren’t ready for CORONAVIRUS but we can be prepared for its CUREUI/UX case study of an open-source mass vaccination productJun 29, 2020Jun 29, 2020
Published inMuzli - Design InspirationQuarantineAid.inConnecting those in need to those who can help during COVID 19May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Published inMuzli - Design InspirationEasy Life Made EasierCase study for a co-living spaces appJul 15, 20191Jul 15, 20191